Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Brian's Blog May 27th

Hello everyone!

Being the super-organized wife I am, I thought it would be good to have a blog for people to log onto to get updates on Brian's cancer. Its easier than numerous phone calls, emails and text messages....

So, log-on. We welcome well-wishes, prayers, doctor referrals, whatever!

Much Love,

Anna Hogan 
Tuesday, May 27th 


linlin said...

Anna, I am new at this and lost the first message. Tell Brian all the cool guys are shaving their heads. Bart shaved his as he is going bald! Aunt Linda

linlin said...

Brian< It was so good to hear from you. I am new at this blogging and had to change my password. My new one is RaiderBH! Hope Brian has a better night sleep tonight. Aunt Linda

TEAM HOGAN said...

Tell Bart thanks!!