A special thank you to Valleycrest/HRP Studio for unblocking the SPAM filter at Brian's office for employees to log-on to this blog to stay updated....
Tomorrow we are gearing up for the 1st day of chemo. I just talked to the Dr's office and they said that chemo is a lot different these days that we should expect a little nausea but not much more than that. They inject the patients with a nausea medication to help alleviate any symptoms.
The office also told me that each patient has their own DVD player, lazy-boy recliner and coffee table for snacks.
So, dont worry about Big B! He'll be doing the "Al Bundy" while we're all at work!
Anna Hogan
Yo, B,
I've heard that span is making a comeback due to higher food prices - good to see that valley crest is allowing their employees to get with this trend.
I believe if the Angels play in Anahiem then they shouldn't be called the LA Angels - same with clinics. Using an Excellent example - The Raiders played in Los Angeles and were called the Los Angeles Raiders, and in Oakland they are the Oakland Raiders, not like the Irving Cowboys or the New Jersey Jets or the New Jersey Giants or . . . I'd boycott that Angels of LA meeting too - just on RAIDER principals.
My understanding is the nausea is now more similiar to the feeling a Raider lineman has when lining up across from some out of shape sweaty smelly Bronco lineman in the late 3rd quarter. He knows he'll beat the man and soon get back to the huddle with the scent of champions all around him.
Here's to you setting a new Bundy Standard - wear something Raider tomorrow, set the tone, close the eyes and picture the sound of the crowd when you are amoungst . . .
the Raider Nation!
Brian & Anna, Thanks for setting this up. We are pulling for you all the time. Souds like you are getting the best of care.
Go Raiders!!! Ouch that hurts being a Charger fan! I wouldn't say that for just anyone! Big B you are a strong man with a lovely cheerleader by your side. You and Anna will get through this fight! You are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anyhing I can do for you guys please ask and I will be happy to help out. I think the world of both of you!
Okay Big B
Hope this brings a little smile.
Q: How many cancer patients does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: Only one, but it takes a great support group to cheer him on.
Anything you need please let us know! Your friends,
Mark, Carmen and Rebecca!~
Anything you need please let us know!
Your friends,
Mark, Carmen and Rebecca!
Team Hogan - I am so happy that you starting this site. A postive attitude will take you both miles and the northern california team up here is cheering you both on to victory. Kisses & hugs,
Hey Brian & Anna - what a fabulous idea this is - thanks for sharing it with us all. Stay strong and positive - good luck with today. Thinking of you both all the time - please let me know if there is anything at all i can do to help - anything!
Love and hugs to you both
Hi Brian,
Just heard the rotten news. My prayers are with you in your fight. Keep a stiff upper lip (maybe that mustache you didn't have last time I saw you will help).
Team Hogan!
Thanks for this, what a great idea :o)
I just want you to know that I am thinking about you and sending good thoughts and prayers your way! If you need ANYTHING, either of you, just let me know!
Love you!
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