I type this blog with a heavy heart. Yesterday we found out that Brian's melanoma cancer has completely overtaken his liver. After a sobering talk with our oncologist, he suggested we make Brian as comfortable and out of pain as possible.
In saying that, Brian is back home. He's got a great set-up with his own room, flatscreen TV and adjustable bed. And he's accepted the news remarkably well.
We ask that everyone give us time and not bombard us with calls and house visits. We will be setting up visiting hours and contacting people on an individual basis.
This cancer from the get-go has been a complete tragedy but look at the silver lining: Brian doesn't have to endure the radiation, chemo, hospital stays and just all in all feeling terrible anymore.
We have a wonderful group of professionals keeping him content, out of pain and relaxed.
Thank you to everyone who loves Brian (so much!) and supported his fight.
Future blog posts are not likely unless he feels like getting on.....
Anna Hogan