Thursday, June 19, 2008

Weekend off!

We met with the oncologist yesterday and Brian got his blood work done. Everything looked good and they want to check it once more on Friday and then he'll do Round #3 of chemo on Monday. I know, poor guy!

He'll be doing two types of chemo again like his did for Round #1 (taxol and carboplatin) so the session should take 4-5 hours.

The bright spot in this is that he gets the weekend to relax, gain his strength back and celebrate Father's Day. The plan is to drive down to Rancho Santa Fe and stay with his parents. Maybe even take a dip in the pool.

Have a great weekend and wear plenty of sunscreen

Anna & Big B

p.s. here is some promising news from ABC shown last night on patient, they run a quick 30-sec commercial before the actual video


mike nelson said...

Thanks for the up date. After his stay at Hoag you both needs a breather and some fun.

Raider Nation said...

Enjoy your weekend, relax, and proudly wear clothing that identifies you as a citizen of

The Raider Nation

Nicole Roberts said...

Brian and Anna,

I just read up on the last 2 weeks of your blog and I'm overwhelmed on what you are going through. I didn’t have cancer, but I know what it’s like to be in the hospital, to be scared, to be in pain, to be nauseous, to have people care for you, to be sad, to be hopeful…not knowing what the next day or minute will bring your way. Your strength and determination will continue to carry you through this fight. I love you both!!!!

akadude said...

Sounds like a really good way to spend the weekend. Glad you have some time to relax and visit the folks! I'm headed up to Washington to the wedding of my cousin's son, back on Monday, so I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, and hope that you both have a wonderful weekend!

Linda Ford said...

Wow, I watched the video clip from ABC news - it sounds alot like the vaccine they are working on for Brian, doesn't it? A huge step toward the cure. Thanks for passing that on, and enjoy the R&R this weekend! Love you guys, Linda

Thom Cox said...

Yo Brian
Glad to hear things are running a little smoother, keep it up big guy. You and Anna are quite a team, you could not ask for a better person to be on your team to beat this. We are thinking of both of you all the time and sending positive energy your direction. Does the frizbee help?? Have a great relaxing weekend, say hi to Ma and Pa.