Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big B on the Blog!


Amazing what a good night sleep will do.  I had my treatment Monday followed by a blood transfusion on Tuesday and feel surprisingly good today. Everyday I get a little stronger now that I have been out of the hospital for more than a week. 

There is an account set up in my name at the Hoag blood donor services for those of you who want to donate blood like my brave wife did. 

I thank you all for your support.

Big B


mike nelson said...

Glad to hear that you are getting stronger. That new blood gives you a kick in the ass. I'll try to drop by this weekend.

Daryl F. said...

Hey Brian,

Just thought I would touch base and say hi. Keep fightin' brotha. When My wife puts the little one to bed they make sure to pray for you every night.The Francis Clan is pulling for you. Blessings to you both.

Philipians 4:5-7

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

The answer for worry is prayer. Prayer and commitment, those things that concern me, those things that are prone to cause me to worry are the very things I need to be praying about. And once I pray about them, I need to just trust God to take care of them. I need to know that once I commit them to God, they are in His hands and He will work them out for His glory. Now, it may not be for my pleasure, it may not be like I want it to be, but I thank God I'm not in control. I thank God that He is in control of the circumstances that surround me. If I were in control of my life, I could make the worst mess of my life thinking that I was just doing what was good. But, you know, if you just let a kid go, they will just eat ice cream sundaes and nothing else. And so I would order my life, you know, make it sweet, make it delectable, put hot fudge and whipped cream on top and toasted almonds, you know. I want a bed of roses, Lord. I want to take it easy. But it doesn't always work out that way. Many times there are hardships, there are difficulties. There are things that I don't understand, but my faith is being tested, and my faith is being developed because I'm learning to trust in God even when I can't see the way. And though it doesn't fall the way I would like it to fall, I still trust the Lord and I learn that He has a better plan. Yes, it was tough, yes, I did hurt, yes, there was suffering. But ohhh the lessons that I learned that I wouldn't trade for anything, because I grew immensely and my walk and relationship with God has been enhanced by the whole thing. And I count that which I gained in my relationship with Him far more than the struggle that I went through.

RandO said...

Big B ~
RandO checking in with you. The news is hard and never with clear understanding of Why? But the fight isn't over and I'll bring my gear over if needed! Please let me know if there is an opportunity in the schedulee of things to come by and visit.
Whatever you need, we're here for you and Anna.