Friday, June 27, 2008

Tough News

Hello All,

I type this blog with a heavy heart. Yesterday we found out that Brian's melanoma cancer has completely overtaken his liver. After a sobering talk with our oncologist, he suggested we make Brian as comfortable and out of pain as possible. 

In saying that, Brian is back home. He's got a great set-up with his own room, flatscreen TV and adjustable bed. And he's accepted the news remarkably well. 

We ask that everyone give us time and not bombard us with calls and house visits. We will be setting up visiting hours and contacting people on an individual basis. 

This cancer from the get-go has been a complete tragedy but look at the silver lining: Brian doesn't have to endure the radiation, chemo, hospital stays and just all in all feeling terrible anymore.

We have a wonderful group of professionals keeping him content, out of pain and relaxed.

Thank you to everyone who loves Brian (so much!) and supported his fight.

Future blog posts are not likely unless he feels like getting on.....

Anna Hogan


Gramma Janie said...

Anna and Brian,

The complete Nelson/Pressprich families send their love and support at the most difficult time, and seeing Brian out of pain today, and smiling at John's silly stories of past adventures, made all of us laugh and enjoy those precious memories.
Brian is the son-in-law I prayed for Anna to marry, and I am so honored to have him in our lives. We will honor their request to visit only as invited, and to come with more stories, and memories for Brian and Anna to listen and grasp into their hearts and souls. Isn't their love for each other amazing.
God Bless them. MOM/Jan

TEAM HOGAN said...

For those of you needing to know more...we are setting up visiting hours between 9am-11am and 4pm and 6pm....we are sticking to 1/2 hr visits. I want to keep our home chaos-free as possible. Thanks for understanding.

Addie's Day said...

Anna and Brian,

All of us here in Colorado have you in our thoughts, prayers and in our hearts.

The Evergreen Girls

the montecinos family said...

we have been praying for you everyday and we are so grateful that Brian is home with you Anna and comfortable..We would love to help in anyway we can so please let us know if you need food(i love to cook)or cleaning or gardening, repairs what ever...We know God has many blessing for you both..all our love the montecinos
The moranos friends

akadude said...

Dear Anna and Brian,

Just read your Friday post today, (Saturday), and was greatly saddened to hear the latest. Such sad news! We are at a complete loss as to what to say, but our hearts go out to you both, and we hope you can find peace with all of this.

With love,
Brad and Karen

Lory Britain said...

Dear Brian, Anna, Skip, and Judy (from Lory-Steve Plone's sister). Steve called yesterday to share the most difficult and sad times. Please know that my heart is with you from far north in Oregon and I hold in my heart the infectious smile that I remember from Brian from so many years ago. Love, cousin Lory

Trish Shahbazi said...

Dear Brian,
I am so sorry.

Tricia said...

Anna & Brian,

You have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish there were some words of wisdom I could offer to take some of the pain away, but I know there isn't....just enjoy each precious moment, say I love you as often as possible, and remember all the great experiences the two of you have shared. I feel so blessed that I got to meet and spend some time with Brian at Nicole's wedding. You crazy golf cart joy riders :o)

Love you!!

Bigs Rules said...

Hey Bigs
I hadn't read this blog when I left that message for you on Friday. Needless to say, my heart sank when I read the news. I would love the opportunity to come by and visit with you and will make myself available at any time if you can fit me in to the schedule. I'm sure you are overwhelmed by requests and I will certainly understand if my request can't be fulfilled.

You have always been the guy to offer a helping hand to anyone that has needed it and never expected anything in return. I've always admired you, as a friend then as an employer but most importantly as a kind, generous, loving person. You and your family are and always will be with me in my heart.


Cam, Lenelle and family

mike nelson said...

As Annas father and an Engineer, I was always available to fix almost anything that had broken.
Now, I am totally frustrated that I can't fix the most important
person in her life. I will try like everyone who loves these two to give support in these awful times.

John S said...

Brian - We are praying that you can feel God, He is there with you right now.

Sherwood Family

Wendee said...

Anna and Brian,
You are both in our thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. I know things are crazy and I wish I were there to do more. I pray for peace and comfort for you both.
P.S Before getting the news on Friday, I sent you the suprise that ended up delayed from the company, you should get it any day now. Jared and I wear it daily in support and love for you during this difficult time.
Love You Both, Wendee and Jared

Raider Nation said...

The catch deemed Holy by the commentators as the "immaculate reception" is still considered false by The Nation. But the fight never ends, you learn and adapt to new situations, hope is always eternal.

Such was Dave Casper's "fumblerooskie" which caused a change in the rules on advancing a fumble. So was the "stick-um" rule change after Fred Blitnikoff & Lester Hayes made every ball touched a throw away. And so was the true classic of "forward progress" - where in the past you were awarded the yard mark you touched AFTER being hit - the rule was added due to the RAIDER STACK, where in the early 1970's Ben Davidson, Art Thoms, and Otis Sistrunk would literally pick up the ball carrier and walk him backwards with every Raider (Atkinson, Thomas, Tatum, Villapiano, Hendricks, Smith etc.) hitting the held man until he was "tackled" - usually for a substantial loss.

What is described abpve are scenarios where the rules were set - like a doctor describes - and what happens when you apply the RAIDER FACTOR.

Storys hit the news daily of outstanding recoveries and I know that a deserving one is so near to us all. The rules will be unique for you alone Brian - The Nations best is always with you, and on the lookout for that outstanding moment.

We are here for you and Anna always, small or large, with the spirit of the fans that kept 50 thousand in a stadium for a team that went 2-14. We may have been down in the standings but we never lost our faith, our support, our hope. And we are loud and proud and fight with a spirit unwavered or deterred from our quest of exellence in all we do as members of

The Raider Nation

Linda H said...

Brian and Anna, please know that you have been great teachers in my life. In reading this blog daily and reading how much you are loved it in turn has made each and every one of us love one another not only more, but in a different and more kind way. And, I thank you for that...

Linda Hadman (As always, Jan's friend)

Anonymous said...

Brain, Anna, Skip, and Judy, I am completely amazed at how many lives Brian has intersected, and how much love has accompanied it. Patsy and I just wanted you all to know that you're in our prayers every day. God bless you, love,
Cousin Steve

Unknown said...

Anna and Brian,

Kelly and I have been thinking of you both with all of our thoughts and prayers. So sorry to hear about the crappy ass news. I hope you both continue to smile and enjoy the great relationship you have together. You are both so lucky to have each other and more so to have such a great relationship.

Brian, I haven't had the opportunity to meet you yet but, Anna has shared a lot about you. You sound like a pretty cool guy. I know you are a big mountain biker (I am too), we've probably even passed by one another on the trail at some point. I hope we get the opportunity to get out on the trails and shoot the sh_t.

Kelly and I send all of our love and support. Anything we can do please don't hesitate to let us know. :)

Chris & Kelly MacBeth

Kate said...

Anna and Brian,

I am at such a loss for words after reading your sad news on Friday. It's taken me several days to speak or even closely think about this.

I have no idea how or what I can do to help but only say the word and I will be there. My thoughts are with you often and always positive, always loving and always strong.

Brian, I feel so blessed to have you as my cousin (in-law) and despite what doctors have said, I will continue to hope for a change in diagnosis. Anna, you know that anything, ANYTHING, that I can do for you, I will. I don't have any "real" skills like cooking or cleaning but if you have a need for "nerdy" skills, I'm your gal.

One last note: Since Friday, I have noticed, everywhere, Oakland. Yesterday (Mon) and today, I walked past a total of seven cars in our parking lot at work with Raiders stickers and/or tire covers. The damper on the AC in our room mysteriously closed all by itself and the guy who shows up to fix it? Yeah, he wears an A's cap. I don't know if you are an A's fan or not but I know you're a big Raiders fan so I'm thinking that I agree with the Raider Nation post that the usual rules don't apply here. I know that at 4th and long, with 0-7 on the scoreboard, 14:25 in 4Q, I'm thinking: on-side kick recovery with a TD and two-point conversion.

Keep strong and positive.

Your cousin,


Unknown said...

B looked so content and relaxed on Sunday... We are not losing any faith that miracles DO happen and so we all need to keep our minds clear of any negative thoughts... Only positive thinking here!! I know it sounds too simple but the power of everyone working towards a pure understanding that Brian is whole and complete. It IS possible... Anything is.

We are not giving up and love you both so much. I know this is a late night blog so I am feeling a bit philisophical. Whatever you need, we will be there.

Trey and Amy

Christine Rombouts said...


I'm at a complete loss of words, but I wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Anna, I miss you and I love you so much. Work is not the same without my feisty client! Brian, I'm so glad Anna is there for you. I can only imagine the sense of comfort (and humor) that she is providing right now.



Christine Rombouts said...


I'm at a complete loss of words, but I wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. Anna, I miss you and I love you so much. Work is not the same without my feisty client! Brian, I'm so glad Anna is there for you. I can only imagine the sense of comfort (and humor) that she is providing right now.



Debbie Z said...

Anna & are in my prayers and thoughts daily. I know you and of you only by my friend Mike N. You two are a very special couple and have clearly brought much joy to each other and everyones lives that you have touched. Stay strong for each other and do know that miracles do happen. Blessings, Debbie Z. UCI

Schombergs said...

Dear Brian and Anna,

You are in our hearts and we hope that all of the collective love and prayers from all who know you will continue to bring you peace and comfort and profound healing.

God's love and light are with you.

Tom and Cynthia

stephmac said...

Brian and Anna,

It's taken me several days to collect my thoughts and I'm still at a complete loss for words. Rick and I have been thinking of you both daily and praying for you. Your amazing love for one another is clearly evident and such a great lesson for all of us.

May God's love be with both of you.

Love, Rick and Steph

Gramma Janie said...

Good morning to all the Hogan team, and I ask you at this time to keep Brian and Anna in your prayers today. Wwe hold them up in prayer, and give them and their families the strenght to know Gods love and the understanding to accept his will...

thank you and God Bless you..Jan

Gramma Janie said...

Taking time to listen to Brian's memorial video gives some peace to these past few months...MammaJan