Today's blog is about selflessness.
This morning, I can honestly say that Brian just didn't feel very good. With this cancer, everyday is a new day and some are better than others.....anyway, we got to chemotherapy and he just wasn't having a good morning......until this really sweet woman came over to us and said she volunteers her time rubbing the feet of cancer patients while they get chemotherapy. I thought to myself "Wow, do I have a patient here who is owed a few massages!"
So this volunteer probably spent 10 minutes on each foot and immediately Brian felt relaxed and calm. And to think while we all spend our free time doing things for ourselves, while this woman spends her time rubbing the feet of strangers who are fighting this terrible disease.
Anyway, after the "foot fairy" left, Brian was so relaxed that he slept in the Lazyboy chair and serenaded the nurses with a sweet lullabye of snoring!
Have a good weekend. Think of something nice you can do for others!
Anna & Brian
Wow...there are some truly amazing people out there. I pray tomorrow is a better day. Enjoy your weekend :)
Ok, here's the "pick me up news" for Brian, the Raiders just signed their #1 draft pick - running back Darren McFadden out of Arkansas. That means no lost rookie season for our #1 pick!
I don't think a professional or a volunteer could handle being that close to my feet - even with nose plugs on. I've never heard of a foot fairy, nice touch, but I think they're native to only three cities in the world - San Diego, Kansas City, and Denver.
Hang in there Brian, some days are harder than others, but remember, the best days are still out ahead of you.
My nice thing will be to keep my shoes on near others!
Tommorow is a new and glorious day for . . . .
The Raider Nation
That was inspirational to read Anna... B is a pilar of strength!! So are you Bananz... Praying each day brings healing.
Amy & Trey
It is nice to hear that the cancer center there is as supportive as the one here in Santa Barbara. There really are some wonderful folks out there, and if we're lucky, they show up right when you need them. Karen volunteers for hospice, and twice a week, she goes to a board and care center and rubs the hands and feet of a little old lady who lives there. The lady wasn't very chatty with anyone before Karen started going, but now she is quite emphatic that she would like Karen to keep coming!!
It is also great that Brian has someone so dedicated to help him with all these things Anna. You are a blessing as well.
This is a great posting. How true, that we all spend most of our time thinking about ourselves and our own woes and troubles. Every day, we need to each remind ourselves of how fortunate we are and then do something to make someone else feel fortunate, too. Reminds me of the movie Pay It Forward. What a great way to change the world, one person at a time!
Sorry I missed you this weekend.
I planted some cucumber and squash seeds about a week ago. It's not so much that I look forward to the fruits--more the miracle that the seeds sprout. These guys have been in my garage fridge for 3 - 4 years.
Two blueberry bushes in my border are doing there best to keep me happy. hey don't make much fruit yet, but what we get is awesome.
It's true that butterflies, especially swallow tails, are attracted to fennel. Good thing, because otherwise it's a lousy house guest--spreading its seeds everywhere. But it's so pretty!
I hope to see you soon.
Love you,
Brian, so good that the foot fairy came to your rescue, and so good that it wasn't for Anna, as she is soooo ticklish on her feet.
yes, as you read on the comments, you will have to expect some good days to come after those bad days.. that sun does shine for all of us but especially for you..
I love reading the raider nation's comments, and his humor is just what the doctor ordered...
Thanks Anna for the comment on doing for others and making it simple but with love..
Hugs to you Brian, and see you soon, Jan
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