Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday, June 11th

Good evening. Team Hogan had a bit of a set-back today but this blog ends on a happy note so keep reading.....

After a long (long) night of Brian not being able to even keep a sip of water in his system, we called his oncologist at 6am and asked that I bring Brian immediately to his office to get some IVs going of nausea medication, a steroid medication and fluids. The doctor was concerned that Brian's brain maybe experiencing some swelling and also ordered a MRI. 

So....yeah......REALLY scary stuff. But this blog isn't sugar-coated, its to keep everyone informed

After getting some fluids in him and laying on a hard table for 30 min doing an MRI, it was discovered that Brian has high levels of calcium in his system. Which is causing his extreme nausea. Not the brain. 

So, Brian was admitted today to Hoag Hospital and will be there for 3 days while they "flush" the calcium out of his system.

When I left tonight, he was doing amazingly well. Eating fruit, drinking apple juice and watching an evening broadcast of the Price is Right. 

The doctor came by to check on Brian and said that he was also very pleased on the preliminary results he saw today on Brian's brain MRI. Which is good news because he was going to read them at 6 weeks instead of 2 weeks so that means the results on that are expected to get better.

The bottom line is that this calcium problem is fixable and he's got the best of the best looking out for him, including you're truly :-)

Brian is expected to leave Hoag on Saturday or Sunday and he's got his trusted blackberry so give him a call or send him an email!

Much love to all,

Anna Hogan


Raider Nation said...

Team Hogan, yes TEAM, tonight's blog drives that point home. It takes a team of those who truely care to get thru these tough times. Knowing when to call for assistance and keeping a calm head sounds easy, but is tough to pull off when the moment is upon you. Nice work Anna.

Hoag is a great facility, top notch appointments, and has cable - Brian you'll be watching the Lakers tommorow in comfort! Rough way to find out why you were experiencing such nausea, but nice to know it's fixable and you're in route on that fix.

We all send our prays collectively from

The Raider Nation

mike nelson said...

Now we need a new Blog site for
"Brian Beats Calcium"

Hobie and MeiMei miss you, get flushed and back home.

Carolann said...

Dear Brian and Team,

I haven't had the chance to meet you yet, but I play golf with your mom at the Crosby. After reading your blog, I see you have your mom's spunk! I love that about her and know that your spunk will get you through this.

The Ladies at the Crosby send you, Anna and your family all of our positive thoughts, prayers and any "mojo" we can muster! Beat it!

Carolann Ceglar

Wendee said...

Glad to hear the calcium is an easy (if you can say that) fix. Get home soon!
P.S. I have a silly suprise for you guys, should get to you by next week. Thought it might add to the great support and team spirit.
Love You Guys, Wendee

Kate said...

The Price Is Right, huh? Boy, wouldn't Herm just love him to pieces??!!