Its been a long day for our favorite cancer patient.....
He (we) had a less than diserable night's sleep last night so we both started off on a tired foot....but he got to chemo, they got him all set-up with a craftmatic adjustable bed and his IV in place. They drew his blood and the levels were ok but his hemoglobin had dropped since late last week so they recommended he get a blood transfusion after his chemo today!
So, being the super-duper trooper that Big B is, he rallied through chemo, ate the lunch I packed him (PB&J, chocolate pudding and Sun Chips) and went down to Hoag to do an out-patient transfusion. Because they closed tonight at 6pm, he needs to go back tomorrow AM and get one more bag of blood. Not to fear, it makes him feel better and brings back a nice healthy color in his face.
So, today's lesson is this: Giving blood is free. It saves lives. It helps people. Big B has B negative blood if you're curious to know!
I have an appt at Hoag tomorrow to donate while he gets his transfusion. Yes, I hate needles. Yes, I passed out at the cookie table in high school after giving blood, but I am going to do it and I encourage all of you to do the same.
My dad (Mike Nelson) has been giving blood every 6-8 weeks since he was 18 and I want to publicly thank him for his selflessness to people he doesn't even know!
That's it from Team Hogan!
Anna & Big B
Wow Brian, I found out today from Gene and Gina. I had no idea you were going through this. I am blown away by your courage strength. You are very fortunate to have so many people that care for you. You will get through this buddy! I know you will! You are in my prayers. Keep fighting. and you will win!
Your friend,
Thanks Anna for the Kudo on my blood donations. I have plain-jane A positive blood. I found out at the last donation that every pint donated saves three lives. It's only an hour and you get "FREE COOKIES" at the end. Special people like Brian depend on these donations. (No I don't work for red cross). I know my donations help.
I am glad to hear the transfusions make you feel better. I have been needing to give back at least what I received. You see when I was 8 years old I had my tonsils out and because of major complications and blood loss, the rushed me back into the ER fixed the problem and gave me at least a pint and a half of blood. I have always known I need to give back, as some unselfish person donated their blood that saved my life. I think this is the kick in the butt I needed. Blood Source here I come!
Brian and Anna
Good news maybe. I make blood donations at Hoag collection center and I am due to donate now. I am B negative and I understand that I can direct my donation to a specific recipient.
So, if you want to try some really good B negative, I will do this for you--of course.
Also, if there are any other proceedures that entail donor and recipient, I would be willing to try.
Mike DeMello
I will be having Brian's oncologist fill out some paperwork at Hoag that allow people to specifically give in Brian's name.
I also got the business card of the gal at Hoag who organizes blood drives if anyone is interested.
Brian, My parents in Florida, Great Gramma Elva who will be 88 next month, and Great Grampa Bob who is 93, both send their love and prayers to you and to Anna. At their church on Sunday, you were the prayer request, so everyone at the Largo Palms assisted living home has you in their prayer rquest.. it was very touching to know they had contacted the church while I was visiting them this past weekend, to start this prayer chain for you.. the Hogan team grows larger each day. I send my best to you as you get your blood pumped up with more red blood cells, and I too will give blood to the bank to assure it gives life to all that need it.. Hugs and kisses, Jan (B pos)
Brian and Anna: You two are amazing!!! If anyone has the ATTITUDE and the FORTITUDE to beat this - it's team HOGAN. Let us all know how to donate blood in Brian's name. I am happy too. Madelyn
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